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Registered User
May 30, 2012
I had to take the time to join the forums and post. I recently (05/30/12 around 8 pm) played on your server: 24/7 OPERATION METRO 1000 TIX | 64P | NO LAG. Your server was allowing multiple people to use the Dart glitch (which btw most servers don't because they realize it's a glitch and ban it). I made 3 comments about someone using the dart being an idiot and got kicked. When I joined back in the server and asked why I was kicked, your admin said it was because I was spamming the chat. Really? 3 damn posts is considered spamming? (just fyi, there were NUMEROUS other people complaining about your server allowing the dart as well, not just me and they weren't kicked). Your admin also kicked one of my clan mates but not the other two and he gave no reason for that. This just shows how crappy a server you actually run. The fact that you would kick me for spamming after typing 3 posts and yet allowing multiple people to use a weapon that is known to glitch and has an unfair advantage is pathetic. Needless to say I have no intentions of playing on your server again and hope other people follow suit. I just felt compelled to let you know this in the hopes that you might actually better your server try using admins that aren't pathetic. This video is a prime example of how your admin is: Battlefield Friends - Administrator - YouTube.

Jeff Mcbride
[NIFE]IlLuSiOn MaN (my in game name)
First off, name calling isn't going to get you anywhere. The admin will be responding momentarily.
Lose the attitude, irrelevant.

lets just be clear on 1 thing. We do not violate the terms of service. Blame EA for their problems or changing the damage on a weapon, Bottomline: we will not limit or cut the use of perk or weapon.

Why? Because we follow the rules and support the developers rules of engagement.

From their TOS or you can find the full TOS here*battlefield-rules-conduct*-goes-all-ranked-games-8932/

Ranked Server Administrators:
If you are an administrator of a ranked Battlefield server (referred to below as a "Server Administrator"), you must also comply with the EA Online Terms and Conditions.
Server Administrators are in violation of the EA Online Terms and Conditions if they enforce server rules on ranked servers that prohibit or severely limit players from using any roles, kits, weapons, vehicles, or other features of the game while playing on their server. Examples of such rules that would violate the EA Online Terms and Conditions include:

Preventing players from being Commander or Squad Leaders
Preventing players from using certain vehicles such as jets, helicopters, or tanks
Running knife / pistol-only servers
Preventing players from using all commander assets (artillery, vehicle drop, UAV or scans). If using the Infantry-only server-side option, this should be clearly stated in the game's loading screen
Preventing players from using certain weapons or items (such as flash bangs or C4) or enforcing a "pistol only" or "knife only" server rule

You don't like the fact that we follow the terms of service then find a server that breaks them. Really easy.

As for why you were kicked. This would be my guess. I would of done the same.

IlLuSi0n_MaN > put the dart down and play without cheating.
] IlLuSi0n_MaN > spyker, crzwl back in your glitching hole and die you idiot. You are a horrible player
] IlLuSi0n_MaN > spyker is the homo
] IlLuSi0n_MaN > too bad he doesn;t know how to play....
] IlLuSi0n_MaN > wow admin, you suck, huh?
The dart always had high damage along with the Mass; some people are like sheep, just follow the person in front of them & have no idea what or why they follow that person. Like fasty said all the servers that ban/ kick for that should lose their ranked status.
Look's like a little more then 3 post. Verbally abusing other players and the admin. I would have kicked you too.
Oh no! Not the dart! Wait, let's ban the 870 also, or the SKS, or the M60 since they all are OP. How about the G3A3? Should that be banned too? Here's a simple suggestion, shut up and play the game instead of whining about the damn thing. If you have a problem with the dart then don't play the server, plain and simple.
Renno the dart is a weapon you unlock in your assault unlock it by.....wait a sec...................

you almost got me. :gros61:
Darts: A pub game

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The other nife player wasn't kicked because he wasn't saying anything, I remember talking about it with Renno.