Police: Robber killed in Waffle House shooting


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Here's why I like the Waffle House. It's one of the few places where customers are just as likely to be carrying as would be robbers. I hope he gets free meals forever there :)

SPARTANBURG (AP) -- The Spartanburg County Sheriff's Office says a man attempting to rob a local Waffle House at gunpoint was shot and killed by a customer carrying a concealed weapon.

Lt. Tony Ivey said two men entered the restaurant early Saturday morning and at least one was carrying a handgun. A customer with a concealed weapons permit drew his gun, and fired when one of the suspects pointed the weapon at him.

Spartanburg County Coroner Charles Clevenger identified the dead man as Dante Lamont Williams of Roebuck, who turned 19 years old on Saturday.

The second suspect fled the restaurant after Williams was shot. Ivey said it's not clear if the other person was wounded in the shooting.

No customers or employees were hurt in the incident.
Police: Robber killed in Waffle House shooting | Aiken Standard
Having been in a Waffle House or two when I lived in the south, I am quite shocked that he wasn't as full of holes as swiss cheese when he hit the ground. Then again, they may have been conserving ammo for the zombie apocalypse.
I have a license to carry a concealed weapon. I also sleep with a 9mm under my pillow. More and more people are carrying today and the robbers better beware. I hate it for the 19 year old because he probably had no intention of hurting anyone but he was asking for it.
Having been in a Waffle House or two when I lived in the south, I am quite shocked that he wasn't as full of holes as swiss cheese when he hit the ground. Then again, they may have been conserving ammo for the zombie apocalypse.

good old canada, the only thing were packing is love lol
what a shame 19 years old.. could of turned out different..
Ah how I miss my days in the South...

When I lived in Bama dude, I was always strapped. Open and Concealed Carry.