"It should start tracking now

Thank you so much! I've dealed with many clans before but never seen such professionalism. You guys have your act together! I am beyond impressed and I must admit that you are making it very tempting for me, to put an application to join. I never considered that before, as most clans are just medieval monarchies.
I took a look at who plays and I already see great team players showing up ( soviet, takachon, quaff11) - a definite plus as they in turn will attract other team oriented players.
On the other hand and on a negative note a named stood out. He, same as me, was a regular on the =E= server until he got banned for reduced fog. His appeal was denied/closed by pbbans.
He was a big disappointment as I used to like/respect him. He is also very experienced and a good player, not sure what he was thinking when he bought the hacks.
His "new" name with which he plays in the server: bolas SNIP_DNA
His real info:
SNIP_DNA Colonel BF2 Stats Server
His ban:
PBBans | MBi - BanID 187647 (db2b659f | Battlefield 2)
I don't want to make a mistake and there is no way for me to verify that he is the same person - please check it out. Thank you!
I hope that you guys don't take this the wrong way, but I have another suggestion. Get rid of the mutiny button. It's a good idea in itself, but never works as intended - instead it's just abused by immature players - and it's very distracting and annoying to the server. For ex. yesterday because Sovietboy plays so good - they were mutinying against him every minute. Also when a mutiny is placed against the commander (usually undeserved), the team loses faith and start to not respond/respect his orders.
A big thank you!