I took a $$$ plunge and went and pimped out my shave kit at art of shaving. It's a serious investment, but the way I look at is that I have to shave. Every. Fucking. Day. And in absolutely hate it, I cannot stand shaving, but AoS really sells some awesome products. The shave cream they sell is super concentrated and lasts me 5-6 months easy. I only recommend using their shaving cream and post shave stuff, their basic brushes and a stand is really the only addition I would purchase. The dollar shave club seems to be the best bang for the buck, but if you need to use more than 2 heads a week it's not really worth it IMO. I have thought about getting a saftey strait razor, but I'm terrified of slicing my facell off with it. I always bleed when I shave, unless I use very specific products