Star Citizen: Arena Commander Released!


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
Download the launcher now and update. It's 11.5 gigs I think.

Here's the released Trailer:

The manual.

And the article detailing the release.
is this the same launcher as the hanger?

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Excellent. Didn't want to have multiple modules laying around.
I can't get my download speed for this over 400k. Everything else is downloading fine with no limits really.
Even though I DL'd and patched up I can't get it to launch - timeout error - servers must be busy

Edit I'm in!!
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Ok I need a joystick, keyboard and mouse crazy hard to steer

What is your guys set up?
still downloading at 300k.... grrrr

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Finally got a chance to mess around in the flight/combat sim. In the words of George Takei: OH MY.....
This guy is pretty good:
there is a part 2 in details too
This game is amazing, also take note of any changes to your pledged craft. I know my Freelancer has been revamped along with my 315p. Several Hornet tweaks were made as well.
Using a joystick at the moment, hoping for a shiny new HOTAS to be unveiled once SC goes gold.

Shameless plug for Imperium, @Avery78's fault: Forums RSI Organization Page
My handle in Imperium is Vuhdoo

Note* The Aurora is shit. Also, learn to manipulate coupling and you can make some crazy ass dogfight maneuvers.
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I assume you have to have already pledged to receive this? Does it only let you fly the aircraft from your own hangar or can you fly the various fighters?
Right now there are only 3 ships in the dogfighting module(Arena Commander).

Those are:
  1. Aurora (low end)
  2. 300i (mid range)
  3. Hornet (high end)

If you own one of those, you will get that ship to fly. If you don't own one, you will get a loaner ship that is closest to the price of your ship. If you own two ships that are in different ranges but not in DFM, you will get both. For example, if I own a Constellation and an Avenger, I'll have a Hornet and a 300i in my DFM hangar.

And yes, you have to own the game. The cheapest package $40.00 located here. You also have to get a $5 pass to the DFM if you want to try it out.
That Aurora package comes with:
  • RSI Aurora MR ship
  • Discount Hangar
  • 1,000 UEC (ingame money)
  • Single Player Squadron 42
  • Access to the MMO Persistent Universe
  • Beta Access
This link has the other packages.

Keep in mind, the cheaper aurora package doesnt come with beta access.