Star Citizen: Arena Commander Released!

I own an Aurora LN (considering melting for credit), an Avenger (dat Boom&Zoom), a 315p (light exploration), and a Freelancer (my very own Firefly!) and will pick up a Drake Herald info runner when unveiled. Not really into the massive multi-crew ships just yet.
Uhhh wuuuuuuuutt!?!?! Temporary upgrade to Deluxe Hangar and TNGS Finalists ships are available for viewing in your hangar!
This game seems extremely expensive. Oh wait, the game isn't out yet is it?!

If you purchase a ship, not many are finished, what can you do with it if the game has not been released?
The whole purpose at this point is not to buy the game. Rather you are investing in the future of the game as a backer. Right now you can fly a number of the ships in the new module in addition to the hanger portion right now.

Sent via Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
This game seems extremely expensive. Oh wait, the game isn't out yet is it?!

If you purchase a ship, not many are finished, what can you do with it if the game has not been released?

You can get everything you need to play the alpha/beta, get a ship, the full single player and multiplayer for $45. If that's too expensive, then I dont know what to tell ya.
I got the DUR upgrade too!!! Should be a commercial today for it.

I just updated the game was a 2.3gb I think I set it and came back later was ok.
I'm so stoked I made the right decision to go freelancer. Saw my DUR version in my hangar and was so ready to fly it.
Yeah, thinking of upgrading my lancer to the DUR for exploration, although I would love to see some designs on the Anvil Carrack. Spent some time in the DFM today and may go for a cross-chassis upgrade, melting my 315p for a Hornet variant. Can't decide between the Ghost and the SWACS though. Also waiting to see if my Avenger is the re-incarnation of the A-10 Warthog (Thunderbolt II).
Just joined a squadron in Imperium that aims to be a Seek & Destroy arm of their Combat Ops division so thinking Avenger for boom&zoom or a SWACS Hornet to provide C&C for the rest of the squadron.
Freelancer will be my baby though for sure.
Sweet Drag!

Yea the DUR looks sweet in the hanger, I don't mind giving a tiny bit of cargo up. I have a 315p too undecided.

The DUR with the boobs on the front!!! it's got to be!
Upgraded my Lancer to the DUR version. Really pleased with the design after a walk-around. Now what to do with my 315p....