So here i am browsing through my games on steam looking for something to pass a little time and not finding anything im in the mood for. so i go to the steam store and start browsing some adventure games. Im feeling a little adventurous right now so i check out a game called Darksiders. Looks interesting, no gameplay video or theatrical trailer on steam but the features look like something i would enjoy for a few hours. Then i notice it says i already own this game and a button that says click to play. My first thought is wtf? i never bought that. I check my steam games library again and sure enough its NOT in there. i go back to the store page and click the play button and it starts downloading it and adds it to my games library... i never did buy this game and i was never informed of winning any contest to get it so i have no idea where it came from but for now im gonna install it and play. anyone ever have this happen to them?