Text messaging on your PC


Registered User
Jun 9, 2013
I'm looking into something that will direct messages from my phone to my computer, and allow me to send message back from here as well. Does anyone have any experience with such programs? I know the guy I work with has one that he uses, but was looking to see what anyone else may have experience with before asking him. Would be nice to send and receive pictures as well. One of the biggest complaints I have with my phone at the moment is when a picture comes in, say 30kb, it says its downloading it and it seems to take forever. Sometimes it never comes through. I want to look into a new phone obviously, but in teh mean time, this is something i can use so I dont have to pick my phone up mid game. I have and will probably continue to look for an Android phone.
the only thing I know of is texting apps that give you a diff number and such. but if you find what ur talking about let me know cause sounds like itd work nicely when in game
Yeah, He had me text him at work, and it poped up an IM window on his computer, and he was able to type back with it. I can use something like AIM currently to send a text message to thair phone from teh computer, and they can reply to it, but not everyone ahs the ability to recieve the message (by carrier i guess) and its rather dated...
Hangouts on chrome technically does this now but only with Google voice and GV was my only other suggestion
mighty text. works great.

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