This guy is flippin crazy...


Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
check it

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
i could do that in my sleep.....
nah that dude is awesome
wow. if i was capable of doing that you would see a stream of vomit coming out from getting dizzy
I want to see how many times he passed the fuck out after landing, talk about vertigo to the max
so how does one go about practicing that.. like how many broken bones does it take to get to that stage?
Reminds me of Le Parkour; Free-running. The guy who helped make it more mainstream in Europe, David Belle, probably broke quite a few bones.

Personally, I think jumping unreal distances is just as 'risky' as doing that many flips in a short amount of time.
thats how balls gets behind you to knife you