This Guy Is Like REAL Upset About Diablo 3


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
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Don't lie bro, you're still gonna play it.

This is a video of hardcore Blizzard gamer Francis nerd raging like there's no tomorrow (and, if he keeps up this level of excitement, there might not be) about the three upsetting game-changes coming to Diablo III. I mean he is like, REALLY F***ING UPSET about it. I'm talking 'WHO THE SHIT DRANK MY LAST MOUNTAIN DEW' upset. It's worth a watch, even if you just skip around. Did I mention he has a really addicting lisp?
One more game and i think this guy is gonna kill himself.

Thats assuming he doesn't have a heart attack the first day he plays Diablo 3.
so funny
i kind of agree though to an extent. I'm a huge fan of diablo, still looking forward to it a lot, but I'm not sold on the auction house using real money. Don't think there should be people in the game who got all their shit by buying it with cash and people who grinded it out to get the stuff. Not the end of the world though...dude needs to fuckin chill, get off of his ass, and get a job and a life.

and yea, his lisp was hilarious haha
I think he did die at the end. What's with smashing his keyboard on his head? Wow get a life kid!!!
With the RMAH you either love it or hate it. Personally i think its a great idea. They could charge a subscription fee to play it but they arent. By using the RMAH they get a cut of the auctions which could turn out to be a bigger profit for them than subscriptions. Doing so also removes the shady scams of people selling gold and items. The big issues with diablo 2 were that there were non stop botters and dupers. On top of that people were selling items in D2 from the start. So how do you go about stopping this. Well 2.0 is suppose to take care of the dupers and help with botters. Now what do you do about all the support tickets of people getting their accounts hacked because they fell victim to a gold selling scam? Make gold selling legal and get a cut of the profits. Simple as that. People are complaining because someone can go out and just buy whatever gear they want. The stuff on there still has to be found by others and posted on there. And your ignorant if you think people werent already buying ingame stuff with real money.
Yea that's true. But the problem to me seems to be that everyone will want to sell their gold and gear for real money with far fewer willing to buy shit with real money. That's my intuition at least...I know I would. This would lead to a very imbalanced market...which is maybe good actually. Sellers would be forced to lower prices, thus lowering their incentive to sell for cash.

I trust in blizzard. They know what they're doing.
Fatty needs to choke on a donut.
I think he did die at the end. What's with smashing his keyboard on his head? Wow get a life kid!!!

He's probably the same age as you dude that's what makes it more funny. I hope they charge people so that guy can have hard attack.
personally i try to avoid any game that uses RMT. Not fun when someone who actully has skill gets beat with someone who paid to win with mommy's credit card.
personally i try to avoid any game that uses RMT. Not fun when someone who actully has skill gets beat with someone who paid to win with mommy's credit card.

yea, but I probably won't be doing PvP anyway. Never was really into PvP. And who cares if someone I'm playing co-op with bought his shit?

I guess it's just the principle too...Diablo is a lot about showing off the gear that you've acquired, and this sort of tarnishes that
See it's people like this fucking freak that give gamers the reputation of being losers who live in their parent's basement. It's really just not that fucking serious you fat, lisp having, cock waffle. He should fucking kill himself.....seriously. The amount I want to throat punch him is extremely high.
Obsessive RPG players are a lower class of gamers. They're a modern version of D&D board game players. They take the shit too serious because they have nothing else in their lives.
See it's people like this fucking freak that give gamers the reputation of being losers who live in their parent's basement. It's really just not that fucking serious you fat, lisp having, cock waffle. He should fucking kill himself.....seriously. The amount I want to throat punch him is extremely high.



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He is the real life version of the WoW player in the south park episode haha