Thoughts on a build...

Personally maybe something a little less cheaper on mobo and put the money to 16GB ram
less cheaper? >.>

The motherboard I saw and kinda started drooling a little because of the camp cover. I figure its a lot more expensive than I need by a good 90$ or so. You think the 16gb is really worth while though?
I second the MoBo being a bad decision. Nothing to do with quality.. Just a pure waste of money. If you don't care then that's fine. The H105 is a no no. If you're going to get a all in one cooler like this v making your own then you need to get a H100i or H110. I would suggest the H100i unless you're trying to do some crazy OCing then I would get a custom set up. You don't need 16gb of RAM if you're just going to game and watch porn. I would assume Avery was just using that as an example for the wasted $$ on the MoBo. Also make sure you do your research on a case. Make sure everything will fit properly.
I'd drop the processor to an i5 and put the money towards an SSD or more RAM.

White cases are awesome by the way; so much easier to find any screws you may drop.
Well I figured Id use the drives I have currently. I have an i5 i think is sitting at 3.3? In all reality, I could get a new graphics card and probably be jsut fine as long as it still fits in ym current system, but this was mostly a clean slate.. minus the drives and PSU
Well I figured Id use the drives I have currently. I have an i5 i think is sitting at 3.3? In all reality, I could get a new graphics card and probably be jsut fine as long as it still fits in ym current system, but this was mostly a clean slate.. minus the drives and PSU

Your CPU should OC easily to 4-4.2ghz.. Get a good cooler and OC it with a 970 and you'll be GTG.
First off what is your current specs and how much you willing to spend. If you can afford $1300 sure go for it but in reality what is that mb going to do that is so amazing than look cool?
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the only thing i see that you could get away with changing.

the i7 4790k is a bit over the top for gaming. you probaly wont need that an can save a few bucks by doing an i5 really. just over clock it slightly if you need to a couple years down the road.
the 970 is a great card. however its not really 4 gigs of v ram. go to youtube to learn more about that. i took the 980 just for that reason. however its still a great card if your not going above 1080p or you dont mind medium settings at 2k. thats really all i got for you.
I would stick to the processor; MB; and GPU. Memory you will not see much in gaming. If you really want that case I actually have one in my garage in pretty good condition. I did make a mod on the side glass to incorporate a 200mm fan. If you want I can hook up.
First of all, that mother board really has to go, it looks great but get something a little more bang for your buck, and put that money to something like an SSD. the difference between a $150 mobo and a $500 is very minimal in performance. you're still missing a PSU and a HHD and personally you dont need anything bigger than 750w (enough leeway for an SLI config). And another thing, this whole 970 and the 3.5 gb +.5 gb of ram thing. You wont get to that last .5gb of vram unless you play heavily modded games. bf4 maxed out at 1080p with 200% resolution scale wont reach it. so it doesn't justify jumping to a 980 (jaytwocents did a YouTube video about it). When you get rid of the mobo up to 16gb of ram and youll probably want a 240g ssd (maybe 500g) and then a 2tb WD Black (WD black is just a personal preferance). That CPU is just fine, personally i prefer the extra horses to the i5, but thats because i have a job and i pay for my own stuff and money isn't too tight. However you could jump down to an I5 and shift the extra $100 to whatever you please, or bank it for a rainy day tbh. Overall you'll love it, have fun with your new build! if you have any questions feel free to ask i'll probably have an answer for you!
the only thing i see that you could get away with changing.

the i7 4790k is a bit over the top for gaming. you probaly wont need that an can save a few bucks by doing an i5 really. just over clock it slightly if you need to a couple years down the road.
the 970 is a great card. however its not really 4 gigs of v ram. go to youtube to learn more about that. i took the 980 just for that reason. however its still a great card if your not going above 1080p or you dont mind medium settings at 2k. thats really all i got for you.
The 970 maxes out bf4 at 1440p with solid frames, the whole ram gate dilemma is blown out of proportion, a common gamer will not reach that back .5 gb unless you mod your games like crazy. BF4 wont reach that back half until you get to 4k. and at that res you should have a 980 anyway!
oh i agree manly its just that it is labeled at 4 gigs vram an he should know about it before he buys the product. better to make his decision. like i said the 970 is a great card. however its flaw may be a turn off for most.
I will admit the motherboad was really just for the look. I saw it at work and was curious what i could build around it, but I'm not exactly jumping up and down at the thought of trying to shell out another 1k at the moment. That said, I never really thought about just painting up the parts myself till I saw someone paint that plastic cover on the board today. Derp...

Chocolate, thanks for the link there.

I am looking at the 970 and wasn't sure if I should be looking for a new CPU or keep this one. The tricky thing is because im so resistant to doing a whole new build, that means I would be upgrading/tweaking my current build and the extra parts wouldn't do a lot other than sit around. I know I over think things and usually spend months shopping before I decide to get something.
Like I said if I was in your shoes, I would just buy a 970 and get even a decent Air cooler to OC your CPU for the cheapest route. Save some $$ and wait for the new Intel chips to come out. You will have 90 days to use EVGAs step up program if you go that route to get a 980 in the future..

Edit- Also there is nothing wrong with dumping a butt load of cash on that MoBo just to build around that theme. I just wanted to point out that your getting no kind of performance/feature gain (If anything you're losing some) by buying that board. Plenty of people buy certain components just so they match. It all comes down to how much $$ you want to toss out.
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