First of all, that mother board really has to go, it looks great but get something a little more bang for your buck, and put that money to something like an SSD. the difference between a $150 mobo and a $500 is very minimal in performance. you're still missing a PSU and a HHD and personally you dont need anything bigger than 750w (enough leeway for an SLI config). And another thing, this whole 970 and the 3.5 gb +.5 gb of ram thing. You wont get to that last .5gb of vram unless you play heavily modded games. bf4 maxed out at 1080p with 200% resolution scale wont reach it. so it doesn't justify jumping to a 980 (jaytwocents did a YouTube video about it). When you get rid of the mobo up to 16gb of ram and youll probably want a 240g ssd (maybe 500g) and then a 2tb WD Black (WD black is just a personal preferance). That CPU is just fine, personally i prefer the extra horses to the i5, but thats because i have a job and i pay for my own stuff and money isn't too tight. However you could jump down to an I5 and shift the extra $100 to whatever you please, or bank it for a rainy day tbh. Overall you'll love it, have fun with your new build! if you have any questions feel free to ask i'll probably have an answer for you!