Really really cool concept, shit on by EA.
This one, they've already killed from the beginning. They didn't wait for iteration 2 to shit it up somewhat and part 3 to completely spray it.
That's all I have to say about that.
On PC, I expect this to go the way of Brink. And to think I almost bought the latter based on hype... I'm glad I tried some demo or something first.
The gaming industry would be SO much healthier if entire franchises weren't bought on hype.
Edit: I read a little bit more about it, and maybe it's not as bad as I thought at all, so it might actually be an interesting game - or it might not. Nevertheless, I won't buy something an Origin exclusive on pure principle.
It's most certainly not F2P. It costs $60, and if you're 4real, you can spend a spiffy $250 to show EA how much dick you're willing to suck without any actual evidence that the game is worth playing at all. As a side note, I have no idea what to think of a game that wins "over 75 awards" without being released - or the groups who "awarded" it.