Tom-A-Bomb was suicidal enough to gun for me, heres a shitty momento for you Tom.


Mar 6, 2011
I do not have TV missiles, the main reason I do grab the Heli is to slowly work towards that so If I end up gunning people won't be pissed at me. Tom jumps in the pilots seat takes off and fully expects me to TV some shit. I am sitting here thinking wtf is Tom doing. The entire time he is typing in that chat box TV that Heli TV THAT HELI. I didn't see it.

We switched up after I explained the situation. Problem is I still have an attention problem so nearly all the times we flew I was not reading. GET IN TS YOU BASTARD!
It's okay I might be a pretty bad pilot, but he had no luck with the other fools that flew for him either. Thanks for helping me get points Tom.

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Probably the best 2 runs I have ever had in a chopper, sad? Probably lol. (Music seems to be mostly working now)

Sadly I was still flying like there was no such things as TV's so it made things worse for Tom probably but in just over 2 flights we got a few kills in there and another 1500 points into that 60,000 point pot to get TV.
Rain, Rain, Rain, Not listening to your gunner is The secret to piloting is letting your gunner do all the work. Those missiles you have work great from a pretty far distance. Put a volley into a target from a distance and then let your gunner TV them to finish them off or the other way around. Either way it takes teamwork to take out armor with the heli's. I can't believe you flew that low and lasted that long to be honest. Meh! nothing a few more rounds can't teach you tho. looks like you have the flight controls down pretty good. I'll fly with you anytime.
Well bob you know what they taught us at the academy, faster than light no left to right. Wait helicopters not starships. Uh no texting while flying.

At the start was my first pilot run in a long time and while i was running rockets on jets all day the pitch and yaw rates are different as well as compensation on forward air speed. Adjusted well enough later for my taste but long range im not used to.

As far as control you can see at the point where i go out of chopper i was struggling to flare. First time flying with the Nostromo and three of the keys im not used to yet as the feel is off from a kb. Might end up assigning a flare to the dpad or mouse.
Oh yeah I forgot about that Nostromo keypad. Hopefully you get it to where you like it.