Updated Win 10 with a patch now 30-50 FPS from 150fps in BF4

K. Sorry to hear

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So I swapped the 970's over again today and the problem came back.
I think definitely something wrong with the borderless view. I lose some of the shadow play view too.

Recorded a couple videos with the settings I've been trying. Can't understand after a Windows update with no game setting changes that this happened....

Ok something funny just happened.

I went to roll back nvidia drivers but first uninstalled Geforce Experience and then was about to install and though what the heck lets try it.
in game my FPS is back to normal but the perfoverlay.drawgraph 1 shows my FPS between 5-9? but the system test in the game says 160 fps??

weird, but it seems to be working good.
So the moral of the story is just install the video driver and physics and ignore all the other bullshit? That's what I've always done after running into a similar problem to what happened to you with that. Let's hope that's the end of it there.
I hate everything they add to drivers these days. You'd think it would still work though regardless.

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i shall try this and see if it doesnt fix my rubberbanding everyhwere since the higher tic rate