What else do you play?


Jan 29, 2018
Other than BF3/BF4 I play Destiny 2, Halo, Insurgency: Sandstorm, and Horizon: Zero Dawn.

What other games do you play..even old school ones for you dust bags that are still kicking................................
somehow. :p:cool:
me and my buddies just bought a FTB minecraft server to mess around with. FTB basically adds full machinery and electricity and a metric ton of other content that's way too complicated for me to care to learn about.

also just finished up the mass effect trilogy for the second time (had to do it 100% paragon with best ending for reasons). Currently doing a 100% good karma wildcard playthrough of new vegas with all dlc which has been excellent so far. Me and my CS buddies still scrim a a few times a week aswell. Thats pretty much it other than keeping up with Battlefield. Waiting on Cyberpunk 2077.
yeah waiting for cyberpunk....been playing fallout new vegas NEW CALI mod that is bigger then the whole normal game with DLC(worth it but man its a pain in the ass to install)....also been screwing around with fallout 4 mods that change the whole game with things like being able to start the game as the institution or the world being over grown after the fallout with a lot more creators in it then base game.....also been playing around with the new Miami mod in fallout 4 that is getting ton of work done to it.....just finished the new doom and played all the wolfenstiens as i got the whole set on a steam sale for 20 bucks (1, 2, young bloods and old blood)
I find dota 2 still to be entertaining and very competitve.
some older steam source mods ex: Natural selection 1 and 2 i love, its marines vs aliens.
I find dota 2 still to be entertaining and very competitve.
some older steam source mods ex: Natural selection 1 and 2 i love, its marines vs aliens.

Natural Selection is a classic man. I used to love playing The Hidden mod too along with the plethora of Garrysmod gamemodes. I really do miss the source mod hayday.

@smokerob79 How is that New California mod? I'm always worried about the quality of writing and voice acting when it comes to fan made projects of that scale.
BF4, Baldur's Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3 wild hunt, Civ5, Pillars of Eternity, Northguard, SC2, Hearthstone, Pathfinder Kingmaker
Source mods were the best werent they
ORIGINAL zombie panic was one of a kind
day of defeat i still play a bit every now and then
BF4, Baldur's Gate 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, The Witcher 3 wild hunt, Civ5, Pillars of Eternity, Northguard, SC2, Hearthstone, Pathfinder Kingmaker
How are you playing RDR2 and not getting In our posse
I find myself playing Master of Orion 2 on those Lazy days... (Where my 90's gamer's at? :))
bf4, star wars, rocket league, mordhau , beta testing chivalry 2.
sometimes bfv when i feel like punishing myself. Insurgency, and then race sims like Rfactor 2, Assetto corsa, ACC, AMS2.