What's the latest on monitors?


Jun 25, 2017
I feel like i ask this question every 6 months but things do change quickly sometimes in the tech world. I'm using this 60 Hz 27 inch 1900 X 1200 Dell monitor now for a couple years. i've been keeping my eye on monitor technology for a while but I'm not sure what the REAL story is. I've heard I should go to 144 Hz, 240 Hz, freesync, no freesync it's not needed. I just haven't been able to bring myself to drop $500-$700 on something that i'm not sure i'll even care about.

I think I have a 980TI card.

Is there a real noticeable difference? Is Freesync important? Sometimes told me it wasn't anymore.

Also, someone told me that monitors over 24 inches aren't good with 1900x1200
a lot to it man.....first off are you playing shooters where you want really fast respond times OR do you want the color range the human eye can see......monitors with the best color range rarly have great response times so getting a 120hz 144hz or even now 240hz monitors is really going to be for fast paced games.....10bit and HDR monitors will give you the best color ranges getting close to what your eyes can see in the real world BUT have slower response times do to how the screen was made for the color range....getting both can be done NOW but it will cost you over a GRAND to get both in a 27 to 32inch monitor size.....

freesync is AMD version of Gsync.....your 980ti supports Gsync and going after that function in a monitor can add 100 to 200 bucks on to the price....Gsync and freesync are ways to stop screen tearing like good old Vsync does BUT nether of them lock you down to a frame rate like Vsync locks you in to 60 frames..... freesync wont work without a AMD card and Gsync wont work without a NgreedyA card....

next option to look at is size and aspect ratio.....going above 32 inch will start to cost big bucks like being able to find a 32inch screen for 300 bucks but a 36 or 37 inch costing 600 to 700.....then we have aspect ratio....16:9 VS 21:9.....16:9 is what you have now....21:9 is wider and gives you a lot more corner of the eye action to see things coming at you BUT a lot of games still dont support it native so you could end up with black bars on the side of the screen when its forced to run a 16:9 resolution because the game makers never gave the game support for 21:9.....(i had to put in mods to make fallout 4 run in 21:9 as it only supports still to this day 16:9)....

next thing to look at.....resolution.....going with a smaller resolution will give you bigger hit boxes in shooters and change the mouse speed needed to cover the whole screen in 1 flick of the wrist on your mouse.....high resolutions make hit boxes SMALLER but give you better draw distance on seeing things far off.....the higher the resolution used the faster the DPI speed will have to be on the mouse other wise you will move like a lethargic middle aged man in shoot outs

saying all of this the biggest factor will be how much you want to spend.....if you are OK with blowing 800 to 1500 bucks on a monitor you will get something that will blow your mind on how well it changes your game....spending a couple of 100 on a cheap monitor may make you change it in a couple of years.....

IF YOU DO BUY A NEW MONITOR make sure you got it from a place with a good return policy as you may not like it.....and FYI until you get your mouse settings to match the screen you are going to get killed a LOT

hope this helps
MoooOoo MmmmOOOOOooo (translate to human... "What he said..")

I decided on a 25 inch 1080 at 240 Hz. I didn't want a larger monitor. I like playing on the 25 inch size. I still do not have the hardware to push it however. Still running a 3770k I7 but did upgrade to a GTX 1080. Here is the exact model I ended up with (link below). Even going from 60 to the 70 to 100 frames I do get with BF1 and BFV... I can tell a huge difference. If I start up BF 4... I can get 170 to 180 when flying. I can actually see people on the ground now...

Well I think 27 inch is big enough for me (insert pun here), but what i'm not sure about is what hz, resolution, and more than that, monitor type. I mean I "think" i have an LCD monitor right? but aren't there like 3-5 types and some of the new one's are better?
IPS is good for weird angles. TN is fine if you are looking straight on.

Refresh rate
Response time

Those are the major things to look at for a main monitor. Secondary monitor that is not at optimun viewing angle.. then you have to look at other stuff.
i would go with a 1440p monitor and did....BUT mine is a 10 bit monitor and i cant get it to over 75hz on refresh rate....was worth the money to me as i got the 32inch version....read reviews and make sure about a return policy
I think I was referring to LCD vs i dunno led? i heard there were some new "d's" lol
OLED is expensive and can have burn in like CRT tube monitors can....

watch this

this is the updated version.....oops
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I think I want Cowbells monitor but in 27 inch. does anyone know some brands i should target? When i search i'm seeing allot of brands I've never heard of.
I just bought this like 3 days ago.


Has pretty good reviews, and that is a great price since it is $400 on Amazon. Ticked all the boxes for me. I decided on a TN panel as the trade off for less color accuracy is better response. Also its 1440p and 27" which is the sweet spot for size vs pixel density for that resolution.

Also nvidia has started supporting freesync monitors as well for gsync. This one isn't on the list but works from what I've read if you tweak it a bit.
I just bought this like 3 days ago.


Has pretty good reviews, and that is a great price since it is $400 on Amazon. Ticked all the boxes for me. I decided on a TN panel as the trade off for less color accuracy is better response. Also its 1440p and 27" which is the sweet spot for size vs pixel density for that resolution.

Also nvidia has started supporting freesync monitors as well for gsync. This one isn't on the list but works from what I've read if you tweak it a bit.

shit really??? NgreedyA of all people are support freesync now???....did not know this thanks for the info
I think though that if i'm even going to spend this money, i'm going to get the 240 Ghz.
Oh ok interesting. My Alienware is about 2 years old, and my video card is the highest rated 980 TI. The one with the higher clock speed and most on board memory. still that's pretty behind now. Maybe 144 hz is the right answer... or maybe I get a new video card too :D
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your 980ti is on par with a stock 1070.....with that said its up to you.....you could get the 240hz now but i might not get over 160ish in most games BUT on down the line you would be able to upgrade video cards without caring about changing out the monitor.....my lasted monitor out lasted 2 full computer builds and 5 GPU swaps.......get something good NOW and you wont have to fuck with it for years!!!!....i mean shit...my mom is still using my first 1080p 22 inch monitor and its over 11 years old now.....if you are spending over 400 bucks it should last you at least 5 years if not come close to 10 years of use.....
Which would you upgrade first if you had to pick one... video card, or monitor?
980ti would give you a year maybe 2 before you truly had to upgrade.....monitor would be my first choice because it will scale to the GPU.....monitors, mouse and keyboard always last for many years for me....the GPU is changed the most with the CPU, the mother and memory getting change the next most often for my years of playing PC games....