Where is the admin?


Registered User
May 29, 2012
I am curious as to why TBGclan.com | 24/7 BACK 2 KARKAND 1000 TIX | 64P | NO LAG is notoriously called the meeting ground for hackers. Do you enjoy letting hackers over run your servers? We use to play often on the servers but I think we'll be moving on until you decide to fix your problem which is easily done with ProCon. Hell you can put it on a smart phone and run plugins so players can notify you asap of a hacker...
Thanks for coming by to report the issue dude, I can understand your frustration. However, trust me when I tell you that we want to provide a quality server for you guys to play on, the thing is: if shit's broke come tell us.

If there are hackers in the server report it on the Chatbox, report it on website, come on TS, there are a MULTITUDE of avenues to report it. In the same token, I want to make it crystal clear that we do not in any shape or fashion condone cheating on ANY of our servers, cleansing our BF3 servers of hackers and bottom feeder scumbags is something we are very well known for and good at.

If you have a problem in the server speak up, tell us and we will take action and it will be solved within 20 minutes.
I try to play on B2K at least a couple times a week, you can PM me anytime there is a problem. That being said a little tact would be nice, it's not like you are stopping in every hour to tell us and we're ignoring you. Please at least act like you haven't told us this before. We take keeping our servers clean very seriously, if you come here to seriously report something it will be dealt with as such.
Dude, are you like seriously verbally retarded? All the info was streaming, i even told you what to do, repeatedly, with and without caps.

Do not whine for someone else to fix your problems, instead take the initiative and resolve them.

I am sorry but i do not understand why you think you have the right to run off at the mouth too us. Do us a favor bring all the positive info you want but leave the attitude at the door where it belongs. I am going too stop now before i get out of line. Next time you get both barrels.