WTF is a minecraft?


Registered User
Apr 27, 2008
That looks like shit! whats so special about that crap, i just dont get it? Can anybody explain me?
It looks like shit, yes. It's also not meant to be graphically pleasing. If you liked building legos as a kid, you'll love this game.
lol yea simple as soulzz said. its a sandbox game. you join into a randomly generated world and mine and craft the materials you need to make your masterpiece. its extremely addicting and can pass hours by pretty quickly. also its still only in the Beta.
ohh, okie, thanks for explaining it to me, I see people rave about that all the time, just never got why.. LoL I guess I can try it..:-)
Maybe there is a reason why they dont make legos for grown ups...Just a thought LoL
no legos for grownups??? i buy them for my niece's so i can play with them :D
rofl..I guess there is a good reason behind minecraft after all!
multiplayer? WTF? So you can outbuild your pal, sounds like a lot of fun, lol

theres a pvp aspect to it also. build a castle and have wars attacking the other people. it gets pretty sophisticated with an element called redstone. which is basically wire but you can use it to make simple computers in the game.
it is kinda fun to model real life buildings too, renno you could make your base in your spare time. i have started to make my college.
It looks like shit, it's built on Java, it just came out of alpha, the default supported textures are 32x32 pixels for every block, everything is fucking squares, there is no goal to the game, there are no winning conditions, there is no leveling up, there are no objectives, there are no missions, there is no competition, there are no ladders, the mods are chaotic and break each other, the rendering is buggy, the game is full of (small) bugs...

2 million copies sold and counting... HUGE community (Index page - Minecraft Forums), and hey - Peter Molyneux loves it too:

Peter Molyneux: “Minecraft is one of the greatest innovations I’ve seen in gaming in the past ten years” | PC Gamer


multiplayer? WTF? So you can outbuild your pal, sounds like a lot of fun, lol


You'd be surprised at how proud you'll feel when you finish your first semi-big "project"... or maybe not - it's a geek thing :-D