Recent content by 2Tartu

  1. 2Tartu

    Hell Let Loose free on GamePass, Sale on Steam!

    I love full-screen quotes
  2. 2Tartu

    System building plan

    Is the graphics card choice solid? If you have Nvidia alternatives, there's a Fedora derivative called Nobara out now that greatly simplifies using their cards - no more direct need for AMD.
  3. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player ex4mplee

    Surprisingly enough, ban extended to discord.
  4. 2Tartu

    Unable to play BF3 on this server today, what has changed ?

    Adverse weather in Chicago is affecting datacenters related to us. Excess snow is presenting a fire danger.
  5. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player Pro-__-BeAtZzZ0

    Very nice clips. Banned.
  6. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player Gunslinger917

    Stats reviewed thoroughly. Banned.
  7. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player Leovelito

    Stats reviewed. Banned.
  8. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Vandrarider

    This has been caught by someone else and a permanent ban has been issued.
  9. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player Turbinad0

    beautiful clip. deeply disrespectful. As this is the first offense, will keep it known for the future.
  10. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player FuzionlMnK_SDQC

    Do you perhaps have video? The stats are very little to go on.
  11. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player 8d3d734dd979d7df

    haha, they got themselves autobanned for trying to break punkbuster. Turning that ban permanent. thank you for the report.
  12. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player fazajaga

    banned as per other report, thank you.
  13. 2Tartu

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player JBLServer

    inconclusive for JBLserver, have checked previously as well, do not see anything particularly different.