Recent content by DogPen

  1. DogPen


    Racial slur bypass Can some take care of this 14 Apr 2018 18:16:54 what is niBBa ! TBGCLAN.COM | ## AIR MAPS CONQUEST 24/7 | NO LAG
  2. DogPen


    This guy has already been Killed and Kicked now he comes back with more abuse In fact some of it is racist toward people your call
  3. DogPen

    True Born Gaming

    True Born Gaming With regret I have thought this through and i Would like to leave TBGclan as a member i would still like to come on to discord and your servers to play and chat with alot of good friends I have made over the past years but Not as an Admin I feel its time to Go I wish True...
  4. DogPen

    Shit show last night

    Oh Damn No CamelToe pics what will We Do
  5. DogPen

    Reporting a player

    There is No coming on our servers Now as we stream to BF4DB thanks for Report
  6. DogPen

    Shit show last night

    But you a Midget everything looks Big
  7. DogPen

    Shit show last night

    So what you are saying sixer9683 is that Your PUMP is better than Soulzz pump Intresting
  8. DogPen

    Anyone else get one of these sent to them?

    Hate cows But love Dogs I got one
  9. DogPen

    BF1-EA turns up the heat

    High Skill , Pedestrian Its WW1 we all run around like Stick men lol
  10. DogPen


    It will be looked into mudship @Irishian88J
  11. DogPen

    I guess my name is Special Ed now!

    He Whines way to much Good job The specialk
  12. DogPen

    Reporting a player(s)

    Its allowed I do believe So
  13. DogPen

    [BF4] Awww Little Bird ate a Ucav

    You fucking serious his after death reactions are funny as fuck hahahaha
  14. DogPen

    Dragon Valley on TBG BF 2/3 server.

    @DiTcH haha That happens to me quite a lot on 3/2 maps lol