BC2 Beta code twitter update


Registered User
Mar 3, 2009
I highlighted something very important in yellow, you beta name will be your for the retail version.


We have seen a lot of really good feedback on released details of BFBC2 PC and have been gathering these and sharing them with the PC Dev team. We also want as much feedback as possible after you have played the Beta to really give us the most solid feedback possible to look into addressing. Your participation in this Beta really counts and we'll have another update soon with the official location to give your feedback!

I also wanted to share an updated global retailers list supporting the BFBC2 PC Beta Key access coming this month.
US - GameStop.com US Only
Austria - Gamesonly.at
Czech Republic - xzone.cz and jrc.cz
Germany - amazon.de
Poland - gramer.pl, ultima.pl, EMPIK PC and sklep.gry-online.pl
UK - play.com and Direct2Drive
Singapore - Where to buy
Australia - EG Games
Russia - DirectCOD, igromagaz.ru, Turbodom and TotalBF
Hungary - CD Galaxis and 576

Switzeland - wog.ch
Italy - Multiplayer.it
Sweden - Webhallen, GAME, CDON, GameStop and SIBA
Denmark - Blockbuster, GameStop, CDON and GAME
Norway - Platekompaniet, Spaceworld, GameStop, GAME, CDON, and Absoluttspill
Finland: GameStop and CDON

World Wide Option - EA Store (if your country is not listed above, please check if the EA Store is supported there)

Heads Up: PC Beta Players will secure their gamer alias (Soldier Name) for retail.

Please check back on www.battlefieldbadcompany2.com/beta on the 28th Jan for more details on how to download the Beta.
I called gamestop, and I was told that Betacodes could come today till Monday, but I know for sure if when I see it in my inbox, LOL
haha got mine at gamestop too even though i hate the store..i have to go in for my gf's wii shit most the time..
just became available on steam...with the beta access guaranteed from january 28th to february 25th...although i know lots of you are really opposed to steam for some reason or another
I might have considered it with a 4-pack + 10% preorder off (as was borderlands).

As it is, meh.

I hope to play the beta, one way or another, anyway ;-) ... so whatever.