BF3 Premium


Registered User
Feb 13, 2011
$50 to get exclusive content and purchase all the DLCs ahead of time.

Battlefield 3 Premium

I will not be purchasing right away. Im miffed that it requires you to buy Karkand again if you bought the LE. and I will not be playing much this summer anyways most likely because of work.
Also the ability to reset stats is going to cause chaos when cheaters try to cover up the sudden bump in improvement by restarting their stats.
It doesn't require you to buy karkand again, it just doesn't give you any discount for not having it already. If you figure 5 expansions 10 a piece or 4 expansions 15 a peice the price makes enough sense. But yeah my broke ass wont be buying it right away.

As far as the cheaters go. All restarting your stats is going to do is make it very obvious. Your join date will be way old but you will be a level 15 with a 3.0 KDR in a matter of moments. Thats a sign right there. It has minor potential as a nuisance but it actually provides a ton of huge "look a cheater". Only the most careful will be less obvious. But they will have old join dates and low time played still.
yeah.. uhhh purchasing a bunch of shit before you even know what is in it? FUCK no... I have a feeling that not only is armored kill and CQB going to suck beyond belief, Aftermath and Endgame are going to be absolutely retarted...

From what DICE has released I am not impressed at all, not one bit. Unless they come out with an amazingly awesome frostbite version of 2142, they can go fuck themselves and their CoD style DLC.
is there no server queue anymore? is it reserved for premium? because i cant join the full servers
Premium does not affecr queue availability but it wouldn't be the first time queue was broken
I can't even check or uncheck the filters in the browser...anyone has this issue or is it just me?
well that sucks i can't join our b2k servers anymore until its fixed.

why do they have the urge to fuck with things everytime when it's not broken. Just add the friken expansion filter and its maps and be done with it.
ok they must of released something just now because i automatically downloaded a very small update that works now. So red try logging back into battlelog and joining a server
It doesn't require you to buy karkand again, it just doesn't give you any discount for not having it already. If you figure 5 expansions 10 a piece or 4 expansions 15 a peice the price makes enough sense. But yeah my broke ass wont be buying it right away.

As far as the cheaters go. All restarting your stats is going to do is make it very obvious. Your join date will be way old but you will be a level 15 with a 3.0 KDR in a matter of moments. Thats a sign right there. It has minor potential as a nuisance but it actually provides a ton of huge "look a cheater". Only the most careful will be less obvious. But they will have old join dates and low time played still.

should give us like $5 off for having karkland allready. as far as stats ,i know at one point i wanted to reset my stats. kaz they SUCKED! lol i still may reset them :)
should give us like $5 off for having karkland allready. as far as stats ,i know at one point i wanted to reset my stats. kaz they SUCKED! lol i still may reset them :)

Especially if you actually bought it rather than freeloaded off LE, I feel bad for those people. I did the math I guess I can afford to get it tomorrow. This better be the only time they really pull this. I do not care about the bullshit dlc like shortcut they can come out with all that because we all ignore it but I expect not to see a Premium Plus one day lmao.
Let me get this right, they want players to drop another $50 before they even add reserved slots which they have had 8 fucking months to do? Fuck that I'm not buying another thing from these twats until they learn some god damn customer appreciation and get a little pride in what they are doing. These guys are so fucking tone deaf when it comes to doing things we want and things they should have done long ago.
It's kind of sad because I feel like all the shit is coming from EA. If it were up to DICE alone, I think everything would be a lot different.

I wish BF was done through steamworks instead of a web site/plugin and origin, that would've rocked.
Especially if you actually bought it rather than freeloaded off LE, I feel bad for those people. I did the math I guess I can afford to get it tomorrow. This better be the only time they really pull this. I do not care about the bullshit dlc like shortcut they can come out with all that because we all ignore it but I expect not to see a Premium Plus one day lmao.

ya they can keep the free unlock crap, ill earn my unlocks at some point. I really hope they dont come out with some premium plus and i get screwed for more money