Doom 3 source code available now


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Apr 19, 2009
Doom 3 source code available now, gory customizations welcomed
By Mat Smith posted Nov 23rd 2011 6:48AM


Doom for everyone. It's not a particularly festive message, but as promised earlier this week, the Doom 3 source code is now out on a general public license. Programming types can meddle with the game's inner workings as wintery temperatures force them to huddle close to the warm hum of excessive gaming rigs. Doom dad John Carmack announced the release to his horde of Twitter followers, while doffing his cap to Timothee Besset, who helped sidestep some shadow rendering license issues that had dogged an earlier release. Peer into the source code at the link below, and know the true face of despair Doom.

The Verge

sourceGithub, @id_aa_carmack (Twitter)
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I remember when game came out it brought everyone's computers to their knees. Everyone had to upgrade to run it at least at the medium settings.
I remember when game came out it brought everyone's computers to their knees. Everyone had to upgrade to run it at least at the medium settings.

These days even my 3 year old gaming laptop gets 90 fps on Ultra in 1280x1024 lol.
And start the clock on when EA open sources any of their projects... With the millions of users out there for BF3 if they were to open source it we'd have a drastic reduction in bugs, but game developers haven't seen the light yet.
Doom 3's source is not much more than the engine though. Its not even a complete game.

Your asking a company to open source a game that just came out? That doesnt even compare to this release at all.

The developers would benefit more from bug spotting and quick fix submissions yes but they would not have the time to manage an active project like that otherwise. Which is part of managing an open source project.
No obviously it doesn't compare to this release, kind of goes without saying. What's your point about developers not having the time to manage the check ins? Seems to me apache or linux have plenty of time to merge changes and the amount of folks actually responsible for those projects major releases is tiny compared to the count of submitters.

And yes I'd love to see a company open source a new game, kind of a novel concept for large scale for profit endeavors. Video games and the trend to pay for play kind of lends itself perfectly to the paradigm. Pay a team of developers for concept work and to push lots of code, but also to manage the (hopefully) hordes of users willing to donate some of their time for features and bug fixes. You wind up with a better game and can still use it for revenue.
Very cool, I wonder if anyone will run with it and make something fun to play.

Hopefully the day will come where EA will release something that will allow thier players to make something amazing, you would think that they would examine the success and popularity of black sun studio's Project Reality. This is a step in the right direction though.