Hardcore Gaming Girl is Taking it a Bit Far


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
They say girls just want to have fun, but this hardcore gaming girl doesn’t seem like she is having so much of it…even though she seems ready for a PC gaming war.
I am not sure if she is getting ready for battle, just lost her record or is seen after a World of Warcraft marathon, but the screen itself shows she has a passion for gaming. And for that, she should be saluted.

hmmm... she's got a rollerball mouse. and is using the arrow keys... but props.... I would get lost in a screen that big...
looks like shes coming down from about 5-6 redbulls...kinda ragged!
looks like all the mmorpg crack heads I know like she stayed up 50hrs straight to get "that item" skipping out anything to do social like with any other living being. That "trackball" is actually a booger ball they collect all that nasty deadskin cells nose picks and grease from them eating at the computer for so long fricking nasty.
I'd still finger her in a heartbeat :-D .

... and I had a trackball and it kinda rocked actually. It got "worn out" and dirty in a way, so it wasn't working as well as before, but I'd buy one if Razer made them or if someone offered a new "style" than Logitech's which has been the exact same since the late 90's. Much easier on the wrist and just as much control when you get used to it.

I don't know why trackballs never picked up - they're kind of awesome imo.

Then again, I'd buy a vertical keyboard if it were cheaper too... and stuff like that.
finger bangin the skank, mmorpg, meph crack-head slut....I'm in; if she had a dong, fast & soulzz would be all over it.
I had a track ball long time ago and I had to clean it all the time.
she looks like death warmed over.. +plus that monitor is probably connect to an emachine..
I wonder if this is her? LOL


Do you like to PvP in the World of Warcraft? Do you want to have sex with a girl playing arena in the eighteen-hundreds bracket? Do you want to have sex with me WHILE I play arena? Continue reading..

I will be playing my druid.. she is in full Season 3 and some Season 4. I play with another female player on her warrior, but she is not going to physically join us.. she will be on vent or skype listening in, but mostly her purpose will be to keep the game going smoothly by letting me know what is happening so I don't have to pay much attention.

You must be ok with vaginal and anal penetration, as well as eating me out, and you must be able to finish on me twice within one hour.

But more importantly, you must be familiar with the game. You should be not only yelling things like, "Your pussy feels so good on my dick" but also pay some attention to my arena game(s). And be loud. Remember, I'll have my headset on to talk to my partner. "Root him!", "Cyclone so I can pull out and fuck your ass" and so on. You must be kinky, naughty, and very horny. I will be quizzing you, so if you are not sure about your stuff, please do not respond.

What you have to do/have in order for me to consider you:

- You must have at least one level 70 in equivalent gear, maybe we can chat about it.
- You cannot be overweight, but also not the muscle jock body type with a brain the size of a pea. Chubby is BEST!
- You must be able to spell.
- You must be at least 20 years old and no older than 29.
- At least 5'10".
- No blondies.
- Dark hair, dark eyes
- Prefer uncut, but you must be clean. Circumsized will be considered, but not preferred.

About me:

- I am 5'8"
- 150lbs
- Blue eyes and brown hair.
- I know a lot about video games.
- I want to fuck you while I play arena if you fulfill the above requirements. - I am very tight.. I have not had sex in about 8 months.
Lives in Los Angeles.... Soulzz opportunity to bust your man cherry.