Naval NOPE!

You either have

A: No one defending the carrier so a metric fuckton of baddies show up and ever so gently blows your shit up or
B: Everyone defending the carrier and you get your shit pushed in by missiles of doom

Pretty much the same issues as 2142.
There is absolutely no comparison to fucking hard is it to make it the same...2 carriers blasting at each other, choppers,choppers and landing craft and meatgrinder choke points..but EA reinvents the fucking wheel again...

No clue...

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I had a feeling this would suck when I saw that it was just conquest with a rush style at the end. I will give it a shot tonight and see what I think.
C-RAM. I think there should be one or two capture points that give your team 1-2(depending on how many missile points you control) carrier defense Crams that shoot down like 25-35% of incoming missiles on your carrier.
If it was going to be like 2142; 4 mcoms and one core; the core being the hardest to get to. Blowing up the core with c4 and rockets.
I would have been okay if they completely copied 2142. Like Balls sayd 4 mcoms and core. AND C4 to kill the core!
If memory served the titan on 2142 could actually fire weapons and MOVE........
If it was going to be like 2142; 4 mcoms and one core; the core being the hardest to get to. Blowing up the core with c4 and rockets.
and it took a fuck ton of c4 at that none of the pussy shit 1 c4 and the game ends