new site banner


Feb 17, 2009
I just noticed that we updated some of the graphics on the website

Looks Awesome :D

who ever updated it

I just noticed that we updated some of the graphics on the website


Wait what? I haven't noticed a change since over a month ago when someone noticed they took the new banner and put into MS paint threw the spray can on it to make some more fake explosions and saved it again.
Really? That's odd I see a gunship a Russian dude pin a gasmask and a viper on thr top of the page
that was changed when the site was updated some time back. you were must have been afk while the revape was going on. so no it has not change sense then.
that or your resolution was to low where you couldnt see the outer graphics.
lol lex frit0z is right. Nice wide monitor you got now.

Just like open your MAOUF! :D