
Registered User
Feb 27, 2011
Alright my girlfriend needs to know I want for our 1 year thing anniversy whatever lol. She was looking at getting me a 2500K but Im not sure if I'm really deciding since I just game mainly. Reason I wanted it is because it OC's ALOT higher than any other 1366 CPU besides the 980x and 990x which I cant afford currently but want one TERRIBLY. So do I get a 2500K or just deal with my 950.

Or I can pick up a SSD Vertex 3 60GB for my games and OS, (main games) and something else, or what do I do here. I really wanna just be able to get a 6 core and not have to worry about it but $1000 for me is ALOT to spend. So I just want to have something best out there but need your opinion. I love my 950 cant OC it worth crap because its garbage batch. Just need some help fellas already have the WC loop plus board for it. Just need to know because if I want to RMA it its due by tonight. So I need inputs ASAP. Thanks as always my friends!
The top of the line i7 costs a fortune. For a fraction of the price, you can get yourself a nice 120GB SSD for around the same price a mid-range Sandy Bridge processor. Sixer and I use a G.SKILL Phoenix, although I've heard good things about Intel SSD's as well. You can get a 120GB Phoenix for around $225.
I'd get the CPU.

Alright my girlfriend needs to know I want for our 1 year thing anniversy whatever lol.
Anal sex with her best girlfriend...what else?

Edit: Microcenter has that CPU for $179.99
Anal sex with her best girlfriend...what else?

If it was me, I'd ask for a gift card, that way you can always decide later what to buy. But don't rule out sixers Idea, sometimes you can't pass up some good butt lovin.
Well yeah I can have that honestly anytime, shes really into that lol. But idk, I want the 2500K because that shit overclocks like beyond a ton of things. Plus sixer Microcenter isn't a shipping center pickup only and I dont have anyone to buy that for me.
Microcenter isn't a shipping center pickup only and I dont have anyone to buy that for me.

Helooooooo! Chuck and I both live near Microcenter, which is why I mentioned it.
My 980x O.C's like a mofo; but, it hurt dropping the stones to get it. The K would be a great way to get some clock speed; but, if your already pushing past 4, I don't see the reason to buy a CPU.
Im pushing stock balls, I cant OC this CPU its not a good CPU to OC sadly. I've tried followed guides and all just doesn't work. And If I sent you money sixer would you pick it up?
Not a big compnent guy, but go big or go home, get the board and some sexy time....

Just make sure you don't skimp out motherfucker lol... Happy wife/woman happy life.
Fuck the CPU and computer shit, get her into a threesome with one of her girlfriends.....Woot! :-D
free on craigslist.

Thats awsome! Lol Im going to go with the 2500K Sixer Ill contact you about sending you a payment buddy . I appreciate it all guys, plus 3sum Im trying for it.