
I would love to up a mini server in my room. That would give me even more venues to experiment with different shit, including Linux :).
For me, a server is an always-on computer. I avoid rebooting my machines whenever possible. That most often means disabling automatic updates and only rebooting when I lose power or am doing maintenance. Perhaps you should look at dual-booting your main (or a laptop) or a virtual machine.

Speaking of which, I just purchased another External HDD; eSATA. Tired of the slow USB.
A Seagate 1.5 TB USB, and soon to be a Western Digital 1.5 TB eSATA. I purchased a second HDD purely for sense of security.
My motherboard supports it. I bought my first external HDD well before USB 3.0. I decided not to go USB 3.0; didn't even think about it to be honest.