Want: 2,000-Watt Subwoofer Under Computer Desk


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/D3Qz7ksl63Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is a video of some guy with a 2,000-watt subwoofer under his computer desk after cranking that shit up to 11 to the Black Eyed Peas' 'Gotta Get Dat BROOM BROOM BROOM' or whatever the f*** this is. It's a good time. Well, except for his computer mouse. It ends up flipped on its back like a turtle.
Why the fuck would anyone want that? Geeze. At least choose a good subwoofer. Maybe a Velodyne DD+ series.
But it is dumb having all of those speakers that close to each other. He could've had them all over the room.
That was SWEET!!! Made me think of my 78 buick. That I cracked the windshield on :) What..........What did you say??????????????? Loved it when that 808 went BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pretty fake by the way. Easily achieved by mounting a transducer to the desk that runs off the audio signal. We use them in car audio to produce frequencies that cant be heard by mounting them to the seat so they are felt instead.

Whats the sub 8 inches? Maybe 10. I can already tell the basket would have ripped itself apart if its motor could handle 2000 watts rms. Its not a competition speaker by build thats for sure. No 8 inches I know of can handle even 2000 watts peak and 10's in the class aren't built with a cheap plated steal basket.

Never shows the back of the cone moving, never saw his amp either just a tucked wire and a box that would have bounced on its own if it wasnt bolted down.

Edit - Still trying to find a 2000 watt rms 10 inch that even looks anything like this. Kicker has a Sqaure Solo 10" thats 1500 RMS, 3000 Peak. JL has nothing, Orion has a 1500 RMS 10 circular.
Pretty fake by the way. Easily achieved by mounting a transducer to the desk that runs off the audio signal. We use them in car audio to produce frequencies that cant be heard by mounting them to the seat so they are felt instead.

Whats the sub 8 inches? Maybe 10. I can already tell the basket would have ripped itself apart if its motor could handle 2000 watts rms. Its not a competition speaker by build thats for sure. No 8 inches I know of can handle even 2000 watts peak and 10's in the class aren't built with a cheap plated steal basket.

Never shows the back of the cone moving, never saw his amp either just a tucked wire and a box that would have bounced on its own if it wasnt bolted down.

Edit - Still trying to find a 2000 watt rms 10 inch that even looks anything like this. Kicker has a Sqaure Solo 10" thats 1500 RMS, 3000 Peak. JL has nothing, Orion has a 1500 RMS 10 circular.

Velodyne is the only one that I'm aware of who produces such subwoofers. Not very musical but they're killer in movies.

MicroVee is a 6.5" woofer; 1kW RMS, 2kW peak. 38-120 hz +/- 3db.
MiniVee is an 8" woofer; it has the same amp but 28-120hz.
The Optimum-8 (with a 12.7 lb magnet structure) has a 1.2kW RMS/2.4kW peak amp and does 26-120hz.
Nice. Yeah well you can save yourself the need for an expensive amp and just throw 250 watts at a RF I-Beam mounted to the desk.

The more I watch it the more I can tell too lol. Very uncharacteristic of a sub. Especially one sitting on its own wire mounted to nothing. I wont even start to characterize the lack of distortion the cheap mic it was recorded with would be showing. Transducer wouldn't create sound pressure to bother the mic.
Nice. Yeah well you can save yourself the need for an expensive amp and just throw 250 watts at a RF I-Beam mounted to the desk.

The more I watch it the more I can tell too lol. Very uncharacteristic of a sub. Especially one sitting on its own wire mounted to nothing. I wont even start to characterize the lack of distortion the cheap mic it was recorded with would be showing. Transducer wouldn't create sound pressure to bother the mic.

Yeah. It looks like a hackjob at the most. I didn't look closely but I was wondering what cabinet design that could possibly be.

BTW: Those Velodynes are nice and really not that expensive. $799 for the MicroVee, $749 for the MiniVee, and $999 for an Optimum-8. If I could afford it, I'd buy a DD-18+. (Lol that sounds like I'm describing a busty and legal woman.)
From what I read this what they used. To me it doesn't tell me as much I like.

500 watts rms a piece(I would assume the speakers) 1000 watts max a piece(IDK it can't be the speakers still. So it has to be the subwoofer(s).), 100 ounce magnats, 2 inch coil, dual voice coil, 4 ohms each, chrome frames , push terminals and rubber surrounds.
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9WfTCz8bmmA" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="480" width="640"></iframe>

So I just noticed his other video. We get to see his entire setup all the speakers on the wall and the sub actually doing its job.

SO, not only does the one video suggest that the other video has nothing todo with that little ass sub. It actually makes this madly confusing!

I still think he used a transducer for the first video but if he didnt question is why not show the sub thats involved.

250 watt RMS JVC!!!!! It sure as hell didnt make the first video possible!
Description also mentions some Voicekraft speakers of 400 and 500 watt model and i did a quick google - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7-vN9IvYV0
Damn i was wondering where i left my phone.... it was set on vibrate this whole time.