Where did you get your name from?

+ fifa WCG tourney "this is where the X came from" = chivoX

Thats chivo's goat he bangs...poor goat.
My mom's family is from france so I thought it was always funny that people called french fries "freedom fries". Especially when that dick at Fudruckers thought I was kidding when I told him i was going to walk into the employees only section to talk directly to the manager to get him fired when he wouldn't serve my family after he heard us talking french.
got it from fast, i kept calling him Gurggle Throat each night.....wanted to remember the good ol' days
Sixer is the name I used when I first started playing FPS games and when BF2 started sixer was taken so I added the last 4 digits of my student ID from grad school so now it's been sixer9682 since then.
My first name in bf 2 was BlackKnight07. My first tour in Iraq my company was called the Black Knights so i used it. As for the Homeless one. The actual name is A_Homeless_Bum, and i made it because i just thought it was be funny when i killed someone it would say you were killed by A_Homeless_Bum....
came up with my name playing the first MOH; first multiplayer game I played online; gunning door to door blazing mofos down
Choter use to joke and say when we went to lunch I ate like a razorback so when he built my first pc for cod waw he made it my name as a joke and I'm lazy and just went with it
Choter use to joke and say when we went to lunch I ate like a razorback so when he built my first pc for cod waw he made it my name as a joke and I'm lazy and just went with it

Yeah, I noticed that. When I met you and served up my spicy sauce you just went with it so I figured you were a good friend to have around.
for as long as i can rember i have used the name Kbot. It was recently that i found out, that Kbot was the name of the robots from an RTS game called total annihilation. That was also the very first game i ever played. so kinda weird
I got mine from a group of buddies that introduced me to BF, we all played together In a computer room that would put the nasa control center to sham. We all put dirty in front of our names. Alex is my first name so I shortend it to Lex and soon everyone started calling me Lex. Fortunately for me when 2142 came out I was shit faced and forgot to add the T in dirty andb diry lex was born haha. To me my name means to addapt Improvise, overcome; lead and survive.
I got mine from a friend i played hockey with, we were in a game and i had taken a slapshot and i ended up missing the net and i hit the glass and it ended up breaking it, and my friends from there on out call me slapshot. And its my gamertag on xbox.