x=dave=/tommy my hoe -[TBK]- is a joke bwahahaha i'm so evil!

just checked the forum categories seems pretty close haha. I must have another secret admirer. If i had this many women on my ass I would so happy :)

but hey..............i still purr like a kitten at night, he's garbage and so is TBK. I actually thought it was true born killers....fuck he should of named that....would be awesome :PPPPPPPP
is that your boyfriend? Is he the pitcher or catcher?

HAHAHAHAHAHAH he's a ginger! Wait does he shoot red sperm!? Ronald McDonald would be proud
lol forums no longer viewable unless you register and I dont see his cute avatar anymore! I like my x=part :((((((((
@ Soldier4Real.... i didn't know about the tags... seems as i just admin the site, and have never been on your game server/website.

@ fast .... regarding the forum categories, they were set by me, and at no point did i even know about tbg untill today..The forums have always been set to members only to post, as they were getting spammed by random porn bots... as for reading the forum.. i'm guessing david changed that, as it was not like it before

@ members who were banned... should you wish to want to get back on the site, all you have to do is ask. Not that you particularly want to it would seem.

@ myself: I like penises. they taste good.
I dont think I would waste our time coming after a loser who admires us. LOL using an open source CMS stuff and just copying how my name looks or where the chatbox is placed or forum description is not copyright issue to me. Its apparent that the idea is from somewhere but means nothing. As crazydog said not very original. Oh good job with the -|TBG|- tags oh i mean -[TBK]-. Probably didn't know how to do the front pipes in 2142. LOL But i'll admit we are fucking awesome.
About bureaus avatar obviously we are sitting here laughing and mocking him, he is trying to publicly bash him LOL

Thats funny, I remember him wanting to join us and stalking me left and right on msn. Now he has x=davve=x. If he had 300 bucks he would use vbulletin and probably copy the theme blah blah. E107 is free. But honestly, I dont give a shit about you or your clan, I just thought it would be funny to laugh at TBK just for being a douche clan. You won't go far anyways. Good luck you gonna need it :P
at the end of the day mate.. i've come on not starting shit.... now for the age of 23, you're way more immature than david.. as for not paying $300 for V.B.. why waste $300 on something thats just going to be copied, right?
i'm sorry made no sense would you like to try again?

Thats sad dave copying, sending 10 PMs a day wanting to join and stalking an immature 23 yr old. x=DAVE=x. He is uber leet now. He all man up watch out guys LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Dave all tough now
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you'd want to be careful with that, you might get classed as a paedo.
??????? IS this guy fucking kidding me?

This guy is just a moron he is trying to come back with comebacks but failing miserably. I'm done with this thread.

Oh good its in the fun and jokes section, let me rename this thread before i stop viewing it. HAHAHA

Dude, how can you even want to be a member of your clan? Dave is obsessed with TBG, its like he has some sick twisted voyeur festish with our clan. He applied and he was a total wack-job, harassing our members 24/7 being like a celeb-fan suck up. TBK is a total joke, and for you to be a part of it, is just feeding into Dave's manic obsession. Do yourself a favor, look for a legit clan to join, and leave TBK. Its really sad when someone tries to carbon copy some else with no originality of their own.

then again impersonation is the sincerest form a flattery
His site should remind you of something....Its a Theme,not his idea,not his work,punks will be punks.
Found this in his chat box...what a dork.........

I have got alot of prob with the site today, me and Tom tryed to fix a prob with the site was totally blank for me and so in the end we fucked my computer up and my mom had to fix it.

His mom had to fix it...LMAO....LMAO
@ Dirty-Lex, im not in the clan,I'm the site admin. I don't even play 2142 anymore. I play mw2, and am in a clan already.