Recent content by Dirty-Lex

  1. Dirty-Lex

    What's everyone playing, and what games are exciting you for the holidays?

    If you haven't tried rising storm vietnam, it's really good, ArmA SOG Prarie fire also has a pretty cool mod that they have adopted for some really enjoyable content. Lately I've been playing Everquest from back in the early 2000s. It still has a really large active player base, and...
  2. Dirty-Lex

    Hello All

    Hi Ace! welcome my dude! Lets play some fucking battlefield!
  3. Dirty-Lex

    Just an honest discussion

    I am honestly surprised we are still having this conversation. Know your enviroment dude. Server side is the internet, and the internet is full of childish idiotic stupid people who will abuse the langauge filter or use nuance (or lack there of) to ruin a gaming experience for other people...
  4. Dirty-Lex

    What do I need to know?

    it just takes some time to get used to. This is NOT battlefield by any means and it just takes 1 round to drop people. depending on where you hit them and your range. This is a war game, pure and simple and you have to be calculated and deliberate in what you do. but like anything it just...
  5. Dirty-Lex

    Project Reality?

    Good old PR. a great game, way ahead of it's time. Spent Many hours on that game in the late 2000s
  6. Dirty-Lex

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving fellas
  7. Dirty-Lex

    Battlefield 3 Mod Tool Venice Unleashed Set for Release This December

    You could do a lot with a BF3 mod.. like make the game 10x better
  8. Dirty-Lex

    Star Wars: Squadrons is live tonight!

    I really like the fleet battles, I'd give it a solid 8/10.
  9. Dirty-Lex

    [BF4] Talk about adrenaline

    9 Kills in the Z-9? Nice!
  10. Dirty-Lex

    Thoughts on TikTok

    Thoughts? Hot women love it Simps love it. Children love it. and the Chinese most certainly love it. It's a place for thirst traps and simps. it was fun while it was trendy.
  11. Dirty-Lex

    Southern California wtf smh

    that's a dude trying to get away with a hit and run
  12. Dirty-Lex

    So it looks like I'm done with BF4.

    Cable DSL!? where did you move to Alaska?!
  13. Dirty-Lex

    Does anyone have a joystick working in Rising Storm 2 Vietnam?

    i haven't tried, from what i understand there isn't any HOTAS support for the game.
  14. Dirty-Lex

    Douchebag alert

    Oh lord. reminds me of this: