Recent content by xxlliquid

  1. xxlliquid

    so whats with this hacker wave

    i didn't get online last night as i usually do, but if you guys want to message me on discord my phone is always on
  2. xxlliquid

    Merry Christmas everyone!

    Merry xmas !
  3. xxlliquid

    I need a new video card

    a lot of times PB errors means its not runing right, could be PBa and PBb in incoming firewall settings, you only need 1 of each, delete the duplicates
  4. xxlliquid

    I need a new video card

    just to check this off the list, did you install PB when you installed battlefield 3 ??
  5. xxlliquid

    New Tower build

    i just finished my build, reused my xfire vega56s, it was based on 3800x, on MSI x570 gaming edge mobo, with 970 evo 1tb m.2, 2tb samsung 860 evo, corsair 1200atx PS, couple 8 gig tridents that light up(changed the timings to get the full 3600 speed they are rated for , and some cheap tower i...
  6. xxlliquid

    Hardcore Server Suggestion

    you listen to the boss, or you gonna do dishes next year ;)
  7. xxlliquid

    Hardcore Server Suggestion

    i know, i accidentally killed some noob(our team) on a different server and he !p punished me by killing me, did you not drink enough today bud?
  8. xxlliquid

    Hardcore Server Suggestion

    if you ucav or mortar the guys in our team they will !p(punish) you for making lifestyle choices cheers
  9. xxlliquid

    My Shop

    and the miller lite box is what the extra cash goes for without your wife ever finding out right ;)
  10. xxlliquid

    Recent occurrence.

    just throwing this out there, can you tether your phones connection? why dont you give that a try? also- have you tried repairing game files, a lot of times the cvrashes are related to corrupted data. it has happeend to me couple of times
  11. xxlliquid

    Reporting a Player

    he left as you said it in chat, and i cant do anything about it now. @Irishian88J will have a look later
  12. xxlliquid

    Reporting a Player

  13. xxlliquid

    Reporting a player

    use this upload a video that will help your report if you want anybody to take a look, good luck!
  14. xxlliquid

    Reporting a Player
  15. xxlliquid

    Reporting a Player

    already banned him in game