Gunship and One Sided Commander

Owning the "Gunship" flag means having that asset on call. It sucks that a lot of people lack the teamwork to Assault/Defend the flags that give CO assets that rape your team. Welcome to Nu-Betafield!

A lot of people don't even know about control points and their associated CO assets because Dice did a terrible job at getting this information out. I mean come on, that tiny little gunship icon which only becomes visible if your HUD is pointed right at the gunship control point is by no means the way to iterate such vital strategic information to players, and it perpetuates the noob atmosphere because Dice doesn't do anything to help them.
I think the UAVs are more OP than the gunships

UAV mechanics and everything that is wrong with that are in tandem with the problems of the gunship, it's the spam and lack of respawn timer delay. Also the radius of UAV is way the hell too large. Zavod, paracel, caspian, or any small-medium sized map, strategy goes to shit when a UAV spams the entire map revealing every flanking maneuver going on at all times during the match.

BF4 UAV kills squad flank tactics, and it's so shitty to see because there was nothing more sweet in BF3 conquest or rush than out maneuvering the enemy team and their reconnaissance and getting in that brilliant match winning flank. That's just about gone with UAV spam.

Snake I think we agree there! Don't you think if UAV was removed from the matches there would be a whole new layer of strategy and tactics that squads could enjoy?
it goes back to BF2 with the UAVs...the comms sqd/co that is were better. The UAVs had a trailer that could be destroyed limiting use, but not only that, if you had a good squad leader/commander, he could reqquest it at key locations to catch the flanks.
tactics and strategy-be flexible...and if you arent playing with friends, hopefully your squad has your back. Just because you are a shiney triangle to the enemy, doesnt mean you cant outkill/revive your pursuit and get out of UAV sight. Small/Medium maps...UAV or not, always make for fun rounds. In Zhavod, I levelution, and just run figure 8s with my pumpactions between factory buildings. So I dont mind UAV, just lets the enemy know that death is around the corner!
UAVs can be shot down!!!! with any munitions

But destroying them is pointless, they can be called in immediately afterwards at barely any cost to the CO. When have you ever looked up in the sky in any match and not seen a UAV? They are always up there. Even a designated support/engineer team with unlimited ammo can't keep up with the pace of the spam because as with the gunship the UAV has no respawn delay timer.

The UAV and gunship are amazing ideas in terms of the game-play strategies they bring but they were implemented so poorly in terms of those absent respawn delay timers. Once, if ever, those get fixed along with some weapon balance and network issues BF4 will be a damn gem of a game, but the CO for me brings the fun factor way down as it currently stands.

BTW, not sure if you guys game on CTE, but the gunship respawn timer delay has been added, but it's only 60-90 seconds and it starts when the gunship is called in, not when it is destroyed, so it's still a poorly implemented mechanic resulting in the gunship being in the sky nearly all match long regardless of the other team using it's anti-air properly.
so if you shoot a UAV down, the CO doesn't have to wait for the initial time of THAT uav to run before deploying another?

fuck! wish they would bring back Commander assets instead of flag assets.
so if you shoot a UAV down, the CO doesn't have to wait for the initial time of THAT uav to run before deploying another?

fuck! wish they would bring back Commander assets instead of flag assets.

It's something like 20 seconds until you can call in another one... dude it's a spam-fest joke. DICE threw in commander for BF4 as gimmicky crap for tablet and as an extra selling point for their commercials.
Turning off commander or increasing from 70 to 100 are the only ones.
I dont see the point in tweaking those two settings. Not dismissing your feedback but if we had large demand for these settings to be changed then that would be more feasible. Not because one person requests it. There may be others who disagree with this. It needs to be general consensus.

87.6% of TBG members seem to only play domination or on our Metro/Lockers servers. This is probably where the lack of "discussion" comes from.

Server regular Snugglepotamus mentioned he is going to come on here and join the disable commander discussion, he agrees with these points, as well as the point on commander UAV asset being a strategy-killing game mechanic.

That's two server regulars who would like to see this change, not a general consensus (yet!), but we're on the top of the scoreboard usually and some of the top ranked people on that particular server (32/100 018) for all map conquest bf4 server) so our input should be valuable... right!? :p

Whenever I bring this up in server all chat the consensus appears to be for disabling it, I can only imagine if we got a proper poll going on the subject it would reveal that general consensus opinion on this.

Also to the point of only about 13% (give or take a few points) of TBG playing on the all map conquest server, I'm curious what that portion of players thinks, only a couple have joined this thread's discussion so far.
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I will disable commander for now.

This server has been the most popular server in bf4 since the beginning. In my opinion, if it's not broken no need to fix anything. That being said, if I see that the server is taking a hit in terms of population i will re-enable it and we wont need to have future discussion about this.

Can you agree to this?

This is only for commander only, we will not be changing any other server settings for this server or any of our popular ones.
Holy shit! Really?! <3

I absolutely doubt your server will suffer in population! BTW this has nothing to do with the decision you just made but I was going to make a donation to you guys since I only play on your server I feel cheap not contributing.
though having a few "like minded" top playing regulars conducting a poll, it would be biased...the poll would need to have at least 50-100 regulars for it to gather enough data to assume a consensus.

**as far as commander goes on all maps, I am a +1 for it. I think it adds a good element to the game. There have been plenty of games where the team without the commander still is victorious.
Your server has a queue no matter what time I join, if it's 2AM est, 12pm EST, 6pm EST, and I am positive it will remain that way.
though having a few "like minded" top playing regulars conducting a poll, it would be biased...the poll would need to have at least 50-100 regulars for it to gather enough data to assume a consensus.

**as far as commander goes on all maps, I am a +1 for it. I think it adds a good element to the game. There have been plenty of games where the team without the commander still is victorious.

100% agree, maybe a beginning of match auto admin message like the one about c4 glitching; ask people to come input opinion or vote on poll on this specific subject? Is that an alright idea?
I will disable commander for now.

This server has been the most popular server in bf4 since the beginning. In my opinion, if it's not broken no need to fix anything. That being said, if I see that the server is taking a hit in terms of population i will re-enable it and we wont need to have future discussion about this.

Can you agree to this?

This is only for commander only, we will not be changing any other server settings for this server or any of our popular ones.

There also exists the possibility this change will make the server population increase. :P

A moment ago the queue for this server was at 14, personally never seen it above 10. But in all seriousness, I'm very curious what the trend will be in terms of the server traffic as a result of commander being disabled.
As someone who loved to come in and play commander at work lately. Finding that this TBG server I got great teamplay with squad leaders. This thread makes me sad. :( I have to say I completely agree with Snakebabies. Especially when most of the time when I'm in game. And choose to jump into Spooky to start doing some mowing down of the other team.. Someone in a jet or with a something stupid like the RPG or a grenade takes out the AC130. The Gunship isn't OP. You could just be running into the same situation some of my friends and I run into most of the time Sunshine. Fellow team mates who couldn't find the insides of their eyelids with their eyes closed. And I'm not saying I'm a great player. But I do notice a lot of players will just stand around staring at the skies only to be killed by the warthog behind them. Sad to see CO disabled. I actually made the account to say this. Doesn't mean I won't play on the server. Just loved the fact that people on this server generally tried to play objectively. Even with a active CO.
I'm another commander player here. Most of the time when I played commander, I'm playing from my tablet since my PC was rendering a project for me (taking up the entire CPU), or I was feeling sick and was in bed and felt like just 'doing' something. But when I was playing, people keep taking down the Gunship a lot, and the longest I ever saw it up was ~1-2 minutes and then somebody started to take the spawn point for it or it gets shot down.

Also, a good amount of time, that flag can become glitched (same when it controls the cruse missile) and then you can't use it until the other team caps it half way and then your team re-caps it. Really annoying when that happens.
Thanks all for the feedback. We really appreciate it.

Sent by Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
As someone who loved to come in and play commander at work lately. Finding that this TBG server I got great teamplay with squad leaders. This thread makes me sad. :( I have to say I completely agree with Snakebabies. Especially when most of the time when I'm in game. And choose to jump into Spooky to start doing some mowing down of the other team.. Someone in a jet or with a something stupid like the RPG or a grenade takes out the AC130. The Gunship isn't OP. You could just be running into the same situation some of my friends and I run into most of the time Sunshine. Fellow team mates who couldn't find the insides of their eyelids with their eyes closed. And I'm not saying I'm a great player. But I do notice a lot of players will just stand around staring at the skies only to be killed by the warthog behind them. Sad to see CO disabled. I actually made the account to say this. Doesn't mean I won't play on the server. Just loved the fact that people on this server generally tried to play objectively. Even with a active CO.

While you enjoy playing commander, I would argue that most of the other 64 players in game as a soldier don't enjoy being constantly revealed on the mini map as a result of UAV spam, and one team having to deal with the fact that the gunship does not respect the server's vehicle re spawn delay timer setting (TBG all map conquest server has 100% respawn delay timer for vehicles for example), yet the gunship will re spawn instantly after being destroyed, regardless of every other vehicle in the game having that lengthy delay until reappearing.

Also don't forget there is nothing to counter the handicap of one sided commander matches, another pain entirely on it's own.

As for the UAV spam, with that gone squads are no longer revealed constantly and can now enjoy flanking maneuvers that bring strategy and tactics back to life in a way not possible with commanders being in the match.

I think ultimately that the enjoyment of the 64 players in game as soldiers is more important than the minority who play commander. Just my opinion obviously and the server population and traffic will be the telling signs of peoples opinions I guess.
Have you ever played as commander? On maps like Golmud Railway, the UAV hardly shows anything except right at the flag. The map is so big that you can flank with ease as long as you're not right ontop of the flag. The UAV spam on maps like Lockers is where it shows almost everything around a flag and prevents flanking.

And remember, the commander can't manually spot one person like you could in 2142. The only way a commander can spot is via the UAV.

Also don't forget there is nothing to counter the handicap of one sided commander matches, another pain entirely on it's own.

Um, yes there is. Cap the points that provide the Gunship, INF scan, and VEH scans. That DOES handicap the commander in matches as all they'll have is a UAV and can only scan in one area and it lasts there for ~45 seconds with ~5-10 seconds of reload time.