MB took a dump

You will have to call Microsoft to activate your key, ALWAYS say 1 on how many computers the software have been installed on. Sixer, on thing to look into is how to set some jumpers on the board to reset the CMOS, I had a bad BIOS flash one time and couldn't even boot the fuck. Even after clearing the CMOS, leaving the battery out for days, and every other fucking thing I could think of. A friend of mine mentioned the other day, never tried it personally.
Balls, I went through that with the EVGA tech support too. I wasted 4 hours last night trying to find an answer to this shit and I'm just done with this MB. I don't want to see it any more and I don't care if newer ones are on the way. This ASUS will suit me just fine for a while. All I want is something free of headaches and the EVGA is great, but it has had a tendency to develop small problems that cost me time and frustration. After two years of this I've had enough-it's time to move on to a NEW headache. lol

Yeah, the Microsoft thing shouldn't have been an issue. I've installed twice on the same set up same HD, same GPU so they considered that as one activation then with the new HD that should have been #2 of 3 before I needed to call them. They didn't have an answer for why I was getting an "invalid product key" error when trying to activate windows on a clean install-hence the lengthy phone calls to them which is still not resolved. I'm hoping it will just take a few minutes to straighten out, one way or another now that we've gotten this far along but I guess I'll see tomorrow.
Hey guys, for now the system is up and running. I stripped it down, tried another PSU, different RAM and in the end it seems one of my PCIE slots if bad-the one my sound card was plugged into.

I moved the 5970 to the second PCIE slot, as it was blocking the PCIEx1 slot, put the sound card in the PCIEx1 slot and it booted right up.

I'm reinstalling the graphics drivers and then will see how int handles the OC again. If all goes well I'll see you in game in a little bit.
Well, I got everything installed with the new MB and am installing all the drivers, software, etc. I haven't played around with the bios yet but I'll do that in a bit. So far, this is just fucking sweet. I love the MB layout and it's just humming along :) Back later with pics.
Well, shit. That was by far and away the easiest overclock I've ever done. I switched the bclk frequency, upped the voltage to 1.34 and it went right to 4.2ghz for my I7 920 sitting at 28C idle. That's what I call sweet!
We want pix's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, system seems stable with the OC. With the EVGA MB and 4.0 OC I had 26630 score with this one, changing back to 4.0 for comparison, it just scored 27300. On PCmark with the EVGA, my SSD got a score of 39900 (if I recall correctly it was just under 40,000). With this Asus MB it just scored 44850. Overall, I am very happy with the new MB. :)

Edit: at 4.0 the cpu never got over 50c during PCmark or 3dmark Vantage :) I'll post pics as soon as I find the damn cable for my camera!
Pretty soon we can start an Asus Rampage support group :) Grats, good to see ya up and running.
Ah, pictures!

Installing the MB:

Populated MB:

Up and running:

Case Open:

Best case ever. Does your memory clear that heatsink? Dang, looks like it'd be close!
Yeah, it clears the memory with no problem, but It'd be tight if the memory heatsinks were higher. If that were the case I could always orient the Megahalems to blow out the back instead of out the top.