medal of honor 2010 multiplayer revealed


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Pretty much the same as call of duty and a bit of bc2 (bradley HUD + functionality for example)
But i'll admit it does look good. +1 for linkin park tune

Check the news and announcement for more info.

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Just to clarify, Medal of Honor was first in doing this. Airborne sucked. This is their remake.
haha call of duty as fuck.. the maps looks dope though hope there not small..and the only medal of honor i played was frontlines on ps2 back n the day was pretty good from what i remember..
lol yea this looks ALOT like cod. although i see alot of BC2 stuff in it also. but definitely more like cod with some tweaks

Edit: Wake me when a new game comes along that isn't a clone of the console BS.
the last game that i remember not being a console bs was 2142 :O
MOH is where it started for me; I didn't like the kill score that was the width of the screen; but, other than that it looks like it's dialed in for some ownage; remote C4..could be fun.
What the hell? It looks EXACTLY like BC2 to me.

I wonder how many games they'll rehash this on. I mean, it's a nice engine, but MOH, BC2:Vietnam... I wonder what's next.
The Vietnam expansion pack is rumored to cost 15 bucks. I guess it's DLC.